SonarQube is a very useful tool for us developers to ensure that we can release clean and secure code, but how can we use it to perform a quick analysis of our local React project?
First things first, let’s create a kubernetes cluster using the command:
kind create cluster
This will provision a local kubernetes cluster (which we can delete with kind delete cluster
) on which we will be able to install the sonarqube helm chart.
Let’s now switch to the correct kubernetes cluster using the command:
kubectl config use-context kind-kind
And let’s then install sonarqube!
helm repo add sonarqube
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace sonarqube
helm upgrade --install -n sonarqube sonarqube sonarqube/sonarqube
After waiting for a few minutes we should be able to see two new pods on the sonarqube
Name | Ready | Status | Restarts | Age |
sonarqube-postgresql-0 | 1/1 | Running | 0 | 5m |
sonarqube-sonarqube-0 | 1/1 | Running | 0 | 5m |
With the pods up & running let’s then forward the sonarqube port locally:
kubectl port-forward services/sonarqube-sonarqube -n sonarqube 9000:9000
Let’s now visit our sonarqube instance at the URL http://localhost:9000, we should be able to see a login page:
The default credentials are:
- Username:
- Password
Once logged in it will request us to change the credentials. Once done, we’ll be able to add our project to Sonarqube!
Let’s click on the “Create a local project” option and give the project a name.
After doing so, we’ll be requested how to analyze the code, let’s choose the “Locally” option and create a token for the analysis:
Now we have all the necessary pieces to run the sonar scanner.
Let’s open a terminal and execute the command:
docker run \
--rm \
-e SONAR_HOST_URL="http://host.docker.internal:9000" \
-e SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS="-Dsonar.projectKey=${YOUR_PROJECT_KEY}" \
-v "${ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_YOUR_REPO}:/usr/src" \
Once executed the scanner will start looking at our code and after about 10 minutes we’ll have some results as such:
And that’s it! If your scan found some issues you could fix them and re-run the analysis.